I heard there were a lot of people who weren't able to make it into the show due to 2 hour waits to park and closed roads. That blows and our hearts go out to those not in attendance. We were quite lucky to get in there quickly and out of there (relatively) quickly.
The show was amazing. I have been waiting over 7 years to see these guys and it wasn't worth the wait (why would anyone wait 7 years to see a show?), but it was worth the weather. The songs were flawless except for Johnny messing up the beginning to Faust Arp... twice. Did anyone else notice Thom shouting "Barack Obama" during "The National Anthem"? I know G.H. did.
All I Need / Jigsaw Falling Into Place / Lucky / 15 Step / Nude / Pyramid Song / Weird Fishes/Arpeggi / Myxomatosis / Idioteque / Faust Arp / Videotape / Paranoid Android / Just / Reckoner / Everything In Its Right Place / Bangers + Mash / Body Snatchers // Like Spinning Plates / Optimistic / Karma Police / Go Slowly / Planet Telex // Fake Plastic Trees / National Anthem / House of Cards
That was the worst parking situation I've ever seen. Getting out was equally nightmarish. My group even cut out early to beat the traffic. It still took us abour 1.5 hours to get out. Worst. Venue. Ever.
I will NEVER go to the Nissan Pavillion again without a helicopter. After the spectacular Radiohead show, spent two hours in the car without moving an inch. The Pavillion had no one stationed in the more remote parking lots to direct traffic. Then, once off the grounds, Prince William County idiots who were "directing" traffic failed to use the deserted lanes in the opposite direction to get people out faster, then routed everyone through a construction zone.
sounds a lot like charlotte. great show, even though we missed first 3 songs. complete cluster fuck tryin to get in & out. merriweather post has always been a shitty spot to get in & out of since my days of Phish tour in the 90's. guess they still haven't fixed it
The show wasn't at Merriweather. It was at Nissan Pavilion.
Thanks for posting the setlist. I've been looking for that as I was one of the fortunate ones that was two hours late because of the lovely roads and parking situation. I'm surprised that I actually didn't miss that much. And it took me 3 hours to get out of that parking lot. WTF? I've always stuck up for Nissan when people say it's such a bad venue. Now I know why they say it.
The area had 4 inches of rain and many roads were shut down for flooding. Because of this Nissan was not able to send cars in different directions at the end of the show. All cars had to head out in the same direction. Not their fault, there wasn't much they could do. With the weather conditions being what they were, anybody who attended that show knew there would be some issues and should have adjusted their schedule to arrive on time.
I spent four hours driving in circles throughout Northern Virginia, and never made it in the gate. Wasted all the money I spent on tickets, wasted all the gas I burned driving in laps around Prince William County. The authorities rerouted the traffic and simply wouldn't let anyone into the venue. The night was one unmitigated clusterfuck and nobody should ever go to a show at Nissan Pavilion ever again.
(In fact, the band should only play at venues serviced by mass transit... but that's probably asking too much).
no problem, tharmsvt. i've found other setlists for the show online, but none of them seem completely accurate.
btw - nissan, although it's managed terribly (and Live Nation sucks), wasn't all to blame for the delays and awful travels. roads were shut down due to flooding, which created most of the problems. i think the pw county sheriff's dept should share some of the blame. you would think they would be ready for something like this. how long has nissan been around?
How's this for luck:
We get to the line of cars to get in around 7:30 pm. We're parked by 8:00. We score Pavilion seats in the 11th hour. We walk in right as Radiohead begins. We're in the car by 11:15. We're on 66 by midnight. I'm not sure how it all happened, but someone up there was looking out for the Rockists last night.
Nissan charges $6.00 per vehicle for parking. That is $150,000 per sold out show. Yet this venue has never had even remotely adequate parking infrastructure, nor have they attempted to create reasonable access to major arteries. Shows with substantial rain happen every summer. Prince William county should realize they could legislate their way into a perfectly reasonable revenue source in order to improve the Nissan traffic situation and perhaps improve the mess that is Manassas and Gainesville in the process. Live Nation will put as much of that money in their pockets as they can as long as legislators throw money at them. I'm looking at you Ike Leggett and Montgomery County. Fools.
Awsome show, Awful weather.
I was one of the lucky lawn dwellers. It was wet, muddy, and far away from the stage, but there is no missing a radiohead tour.
I'm still recovering from the tedious 2 hours of parking lot mambo, 1.5 hours flood detours, then 3.5 hours drive home.
Sorry thom, that's a big ol'carbon footprint.
I actually thought that floods had shut down the road out of Nissan. We were waiting to get out of the F lot for three hours - people started festivities in their cars, others parked and slept.
Left during spinning plates because I couldn't feel my feet!
It's just unfortunate that there aren't as many solid bands to see in clubs, because I really didn't feel like it was a very intimate show. I would say that with a little more research, seeing 4 shows at the black cat would probably end up being a better time than what we went through last night. Still, I can say I saw Radiohead... mission accomplished.
dude, i had lawn seats and got SO WET, but the show was still awesome. was surprised they didn't play anything from hail to the thief though. i think the most bizarre moment of the night for me was when this high dude and his girlfriend were doing some hardcore, seizuresque dancing during the really laid back song house of cards. and that opening band was trippy as shit
I wonder how many people are sick today. I saw a lot of unprepared mother f'rs on the lawn looking like wet dogs. I wouldn't have stood through that shite for anyone other than radiohead. Nissan sucks ass. I hadn't been there in a few years and I hope I never go back. Prince William Police are weak and worthless.
Quick comment on the posted setlist - you forgot the "not to be forgotten" humor of Thom dedicating "High and Dry" to the poor souls out on the lawn. Thankfully we were down low and relatively dry once we slogged through hell's half acre from F lot. Wish I had stocked the cooler a bit more efficiently for the 2+ hour wait to move out of the lot.
does anyone else think ed looked like a tool?
that pathfinder i was eying is now not looking so appealing
The POS concert promoters, moron traffic controllers and the weather made yesterday a living hell. 4 hours of stop/go traffic up 66, getting rerouted because of a road closure only to hit more traffic. We finally made it to University Blvd, which had more stagnant traffic ofcourse. We turned around finally after my wife was on the verge of tears. F U Nissan. $175 well spent.
What a nightmare last night was! Left my house around 5:30, because Nissian is only 45 minutes away, and got to the concert at 9:15!!! Amazing concert, horrible weather!!! "I hope it was bloodly well worth it" and it was Thom, just an unbelievable trip/experience to get there and get home at 2am! Nissian Pavillion, I hate you!!!!
You guys are complaining like this was a top-notch band. It was Radiohead! If you have any complaints about anything it should be with them. You want your money back, then it's up to the band and not Nissan. Stop the whining and stay home next time - Dirk
go fuck yourself Dirk. Clearly you have no taste in music. You must be the colossal idiot washed up fly by night D bag who built the Nissan Pavillion.
No, I did not build Nissan Pavilion. However, I was there to enjoy the show last night. See, I looked to see what the weather would be like, I planned ahead, got there early and had no problems. If I was late it would have been my fault, not Nissan's fault. Take some responsibility for your actions. I enjoyed the show and stayed for the whole thing. It was tough getting out after the show, but that was to be expected with all the rain and the road closures. Just chill and enjoy life a bit, you'll enjoy concerts a lot more. - Dirk
Show was amazing. No other band would inspire me to stand drenched in the cold rain with a full heart. Loved it; they were perfect. Visuals were gorgeous. I can't believe they played 26 songs; it flew by, despite the circumstances. Nissan does however totally SUCK!!!! They need to revamp their parking systems. I too "planned ahead". But no excuse to have such crappy infrastructure.
The parking at Nissan is not the best, but there have been great improvements over the last 2 years with new roads being built and roads widened. Still a good place to see a concert and it hold the most people which the artist like because the make more $$$.
fuck you dirk. You might want to read the hundreds of posts today from ALOT if people who "planned ahead", bought tickets in advance, left early to deal with traffic and driving rain, but missed the show completely because of the incompetent county cops who turned them away for no apparent reason. I guess your retort will be that they should have planned for that too and picked a different place to see the band. Asshole.
fuck off dirk. you were most likely one of the many assholes in the crowd last night. Radiohead is the most top-notch band of our time. If you try to argue with that you have no taste in music. Who would you call top-notch? Bands like Fall Out Boy because they are on MTV? Get with it, ignorant fuck.
The show was amazing last night, despite being completely drenched from head to toe but shit happens. The parking situation sucked but i expected it. If you type 'nissian pavilian' into any search engine the only things that come up are related to the traffic problems. The rain didn't help the whole situation but i was just happy to be out that parking lot when we started moving. I'm not from the area and i dont plan on ever going back there again. luckily i will be seeing Radiohead twice more this summer.
it was all worth it at the end of the night.
thank you radiohead.
I was one of the lucky ones, as I arrived through an entrance that was shut down as soon as I went through. I had left my work on Falls rd in Baltimore at 6 pm. Would have been on time if my dumb ass didnt miss the initial exit to the venue. I arrived at 10 pm and got a spot somehow right at the front of the lot. Then I took my trash bag I had from work, poked my head and arms through, and ran the entire way in. First song I saw was Bangers&Mash. Hell yea! This is Radiohead people. Come rain, shine, snow, hail, whatever the weather, you should still be grateful that they even came to Viriginia. Its a concert!!!! Deal with the fact that thousands of people from all over have the same goal and have to park somewhere. Yea it sucked, but it was Radiohead. Those who say they did not make it to the show due to traffic. Most of you have GPS, (I do not) should have found a alternate way. There are plenty of them. One of the greatest shows Ive seen by them. With the rain pouring down during the music, taking over the soul and body, I did not even notice the rain. Only the waves of the future of music rolling over me and taking hold of my heart. Thank you Radiohead. I got out of there in like 20 minutes by the way. So to those of you it took forever for? Be bold and get the hell outta there. Peace and Love!!!
I do realize that I have no legal recourse in which to demand reimbursement for the ticket cost of the Radiohead Concert on May 11, 2008, but I would hope that some form of consideration would be made. After allowing more than ample time to arrive at the venue, the deplorable weather conditions caused numerous traffic detours, to the point where after being stuck in Bristow traffic for over 5 hours my party upon finally reaching the parking lot were met by numerous people walking through the rain announcing the end of the show. At this point an additional 2 hours were spent trying to get out of the area.
I strongly recommend that some concession be made in order to ensure future business from myself as well as what must have been thousands of people remaining stationary in their cars; and, at the very least, I think it would behoove Nissan to take some action to work more efficiently with the local Bristow government (i.e. police, emergency rescue, etc) to ensure that under similar situations, patrons can avoid similar pitfalls. Until some kind of consideration is made to rectify this, myself (as well as numerous others I am sure) will no longer patronize Nissan (Led Zep reunion tour being the only exception).
And Radiohead, 1/3 of the concert goers were driving around in circles BURNING FOSSIL FUELS ALL THE WHILE this is your save the earth tour--your WASTE site requested people to carpool (which we did--5 people in a Prius) and yet you play in the middle of nowhere with no public transportation leading there
This was the best show i've ever seen. We drove 3-3/4 hours with frequent detours using gps nav for the approx. the approx 100 miles from Baltimore and still missed the first 2 songs. Any MFer who wants to smugly ridicule the misfortune of others should shut up and be grateful for his good fortune.
there's no way his parents actually named him Dirk.
anyone who says "thousands of people" didn't get to see the show is full of f@ucking sh!t. the venue was packed! including the lawn.
a couple hundred? maybe.
"thousands?" no effing way.
don't get me wrong. nissan absolutely blows ass. but everyone knows this. if you left d.c. after 6:00, in that storm, and expected to make that show, then you were hittin' the kind a wee bit early.
worst concert experience of my life... in summation: hypothermia, impossible traffic. I saw 13 (of 28?) songs of radiohead though, before my physical misery became undeniable, and if I'd been under the shelter it could have easily been an amazing show... the band was just killing it and the sound was great. I don't know if I'll be going back to that venue, especially not in that kind of weather. my dad and brother didn't even get into the venue because of flooding (tickets down the drain).
Nissan is not to blame for a good load of this. This is the worst rain that area has seen in a very very long time. They've been open since 1996. Wellington Road sucks and gets closed with bad rains. Maybe talk to the zoning commission who wouldnt let NIssan go anywhere else? Nissan does the best they can. Maybe leave early for a sold out concert? Jesus, some of you people are fucking retarded. Sold out show. And you're going to leave DC at 6:00 PM with 4 inches of rain coming. Sounds like you guys have your heads up your asses or are mentally retarded. Any pavilion would be fucked with this kind of weather. And getting out--yeah the parking lots suck, but it doesnt do much good when Wellington is closed headed towards Manassas and the PWC police department can only send you assholes one way. Get a fucking clue.
I hear what you all are saying with the "leave early" crap, but the fact is that I pulled up to the line on University Blvd (I think thats the name) at 7:35 and was parked in 25 minutes. Further, I got out of there in probably 40 minutes, which I consider to be pretty good. I guess I just got lucky (and had a little shortcut up my sleeve) but that sort of refutes the whole "leave early" theory. I didn't leave anywhere close to early and I got there just as it was apparently getting pretty bad. I am enjoying reading some of these horror stories -- anyone got their money back yet? If they are flatly refusing entry, you're certainly entitled to a refund.
GL and I (and 2 others) left DC a little after 3, got in the lot at 4:15, drank for 4 hours in the car (which was awesome, seriously), got back into the car around 11:30 and were back in DC before 1am.
Like GH said earlier, the Rockist gods were smiling upon us.
G.H. -- we left Falls Church at 6:30 p.m. and were in our seats by 8:30 p.m. (2 hours to go 20 miles, not too bad). Yes, the show was fantastic. Anticipating the terrible traffic on the way out due to the two-lane access road to the parking lots, we left just after Like Spinning Plates and sat in the F lot until 1:30 a.m., when someone discovered a way around the backlog of cars and we sped out to University Blvd, where we then sat for another 30 minutes to make our way onto I-66.
I blame Nissan Pavilion and Prince William County. The setup around Nissan reveals no prior planning to deal with the masses making their way to the facility. Nissan failed by not providing sufficient parking lot personnel to manage the situation of the panicked drivers in F lot who were worried they would be stuck all night, and by opening the stadium in the first place.
Never again will I go to Nissan Pavilion. I had a bad experience with the Journey/Def Leppard show years ago (that time on the way in) and vowed never to return. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Great show in spite of the weather. Parking was horrible but Nissan had half capacity of routing people in & out due one road being flooded and one highway entrance being funneled to one lane due to construction.
The conditions at Nissan were nightmarish. I have never seen a venue as screwed up as this. I will NEVER be going to a show there again. My friend lives 20 minutes from Nissan, we got in the car at 1130 and got to his place at 230!! Ridiculous
Horrible location. All those cars idling for hours to simply get in and out of the parking lot hours before, after, and during the show = big fat carbon footprint. Not to mention the distance people had to drive to get to NoVa in the first place - Bristow is way outside the metro area (I drove from Baltimore and carpooled with friends from Alexandria). Aside from the rain, this would've been an awesome show, but I was disappointed that the tour wasn't as "eco-friendly" as Radiohead claimed....
We got lucky, saw all of Liars and all of Radiohead from the pit up until after Karma Police. We left during that song and made it out reasonably early. Sorry for all the folk that had issues, but we had limited issues except wet clothes. But it was Radiohead and they rarely come around so we should all be thankful to see a band if this caliber in our lifetimes. Did anyone notice Thom messing up on Lucky?
See you all in Camden. Be happy and stop crying! - Dirk
Just curious -- to those who didn't get in that night, and requested tickets to camden, have they come through with that offer yet? I haven't seen shit from them yet.
Oh my god! I'm so jealous of you, for being on a Radiohead's concert! :D
I'm from Brazil and the band is comming here on march and I can't wait to see them!
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