Truckers front man, co-founder, and co-lead singer Patterson Hood was sick last night and couldn't make the show. Instead of cancelling, the band offered your money back if you wanted it but said they'd go on without him and do their best for those who still wanted to come.
Cooley and Shonna picked up the slack and it was, all things considered, a pretty damn good show. Patterson's mic -- considerably higher than the rest -- remained empty at center stage, and Shonna even poured out a little Jack Daniels down on his spot in tribute. They also asked for volunteers to sing a Patterson song, and whomever won the right to do "Life in the Factory" did a great job.
So here's the setlist for the Hoodless DBT set last night at the 9:30:
Daddy's Cup / 3 Dimes Down / Panties in Your Purse / Women Without Whiskey / I'm Sorry Huston / Checkout Time in Vegas / Gravity's Gone / Space City / Carl Perkins' Cadillac / Bob / Home Field Advantage / One of these Days / Lisa's Birthday / Marry Me / Cottonseed / Purgatory Line / A Ghost to Most / Life in the Factory (with dude from the crowd) // When the Pin Hits the Shell / Zip City / Shut Up and Get on the Plane